Elementary-age students from Esterhazy and the surrounding rural area attend P.J. Gillen School from Kindergarten to Grade 5 inclusive.
The Esterhazy High School offers Grade 6-12. Both P.J.Gillen and the High School schools are fully equipped with libraries, computer labs, and gymnasiums. The Esterhazy High School has a complete industrial arts lab, band room, and home economics lab.
Good Spirit School Division
Good Spirit School Division, which will officially commenced operation on January 1, 2006, was created as a result of the amalgamation of the Eastland Lakes, Melville-Deer Park, Melville Comprehensive, Potashville and York School Divisions. Good Spirit now serves, approximately 6200 students with 29 schools located in 18 communities. As an employer, GSSD employs over 400 professional staff and an equal number of support staff to serve the needs of students in the division.
Good Spirit School Division was created as a result of the Provincial Government’s initiative that resulted in Saskatchewan’s 59 School Divisions coming together to create 12 new School Divisions. On June 15, 2005 elections were held and our current 11 member Board of Education was established. Hard work and diligence over the past few months has ensured a smooth transition time. Both the Board of Education and the Administration of Good Spirit School Division look forward to moving Good Spirit School Division forward.
Parkland College
Parkland College provides high quality, learner centred education and training as a foundation for lifelong success. Students can get started on their careers by completing university classes, full degrees and skills training and trades certificates at Parkland College. The Esterhazy Campus is home to Industrial Mechanics training, English as an Additional Language evening classes, and safety training courses.